Benefits of Spiritual Direction


There are many benefits to spiritual direction, including:

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Greater clarity about one's purpose in life

  • Deeper intimacy with God

  • Stronger relationships with others

  • Increased resilience in the face of challenges

  • A sense of peace and well-being

  • Discern God's will for your life

  • Grow in your faith

  • Develop a deeper prayer life

  • Overcome spiritual struggles

  • Make better decisions

  • Live a more meaningful life

If you are interested in learning more about spiritual direction, please call, text or write me…

J.R. - 619.964.0337

Spiritual direction is a lifelong journey. You may find that you need to seek out a spiritual director from time to time, especially when you are facing major life changes or challenges.


Spiritual direction is a confidential relationship between a spiritual director and a directee, in which the directee shares their spiritual journey and the director listens, asks questions, and offers support and guidance.

The goal of spiritual direction is to help the directee grow in their relationship with the divine. The director is not a therapist or counselor, and they do not offer advice or tell the directee what to do. Instead, they listen with compassion and understanding, and they help the directee to see their own path more clearly.

Spiritual direction can be helpful for people of all faiths, or for those who are exploring their spirituality. It can be a supportive space to explore questions about faith, life, and meaning. It can also be a place to receive guidance on how to live a more spiritually fulfilling life.

There are many different approaches to spiritual direction. Some directors follow a particular spiritual tradition, while others are more eclectic. Some directors focus on specific areas of spiritual growth, such as prayer, meditation, or discernment. Others take a more holistic approach, considering all aspects of the directee's life.

Are you interested in working with a spiritual director?

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult with J.R. Mahon. Do that here

Step 2. J.R. will reach back and schedule an introduction phone or ZOOM conversation.

Step 3. At the scheduled time of your consult you and J.R. will talk! Using the opportunity to make sure you both are a good fit.

Step 4. If you decide to work with J.R., he will tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with J.R. or if by chance its not a perfect fit, he is happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Have questions? You can call/text or write J.R. 619.964.0337 /