60 Questions - Who Are You?


These 60 questions help you discover who you are. Move through them slowly. Knowing who you are is not guess work. 

Give yourself time to contemplate your answers. You will need grace, forgiveness, celebration and vulnerability as you set out in this practice. These attributes are essential to forge a path of consciousness and gratitude for who you are.  

Your answers will vary. Some will be easy, some difficult to communicate and some you won’t want to deal with or skip altogether. Just know it’s all O.K. Evolution and transformation are the keys to peacefully existing with who you are. These questions will help you on that journey.

These questions will survive the test of time. Pull them out from season to season and use them as markers to chart where you are, where you’ve come from and where you are going.  

Find someone to share your answers with. A spouse, friend, family member, mentor or spiritual director. Walk them through your answers, allow them to know you. That simple task creates celebration and accountability for who you are. Always remember, vulnerability is the spiritual mojo sauce that produces the picture of who you are. My hope as you enter into self discovery… that you'll have nothing to prove, nothing to lose, living an undefended life.

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